New Launch: Simulator Training for Saturation Diving Supervisors

New Launch: Simulator Training for Saturation Diving Supervisors

Click here to view the playlist of ‘Simulator Training Videos’, where you will see the introductory video (launch), DP alarm scenario, diver checks and more. KBAT is embracing new technology by launching Saturation Diving Supervisor – Dive Control Simulator which is a touchpanel-based digital simulator for training diving supervisors at our training centre in Singapore. Our Managing Director – Darren Brunton and Head of Diving (Training Dept.) – Alan Rhodes are the approved trainers for the system. The simulator is so real (‘Simply Awesome’); it offers a full range of training from setting up the panel for a saturation dive as if you are in an …

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Simulator Training for Saturation Diving Supervisor

Click here to view the playlist of ‘Simulator Training Videos‘, where you will see the introductory video (launch), DP alarm scenario, diver checks and more.

KBAT is embracing new technology by launching Saturation Diving Supervisor – Dive Control Simulator which is a touchpanel-based digital simulator for training diving supervisors at our training centre in Singapore. Our Managing Director – Darren Brunton and Head of Diving (Training Dept.) – Alan Rhodes are the approved trainers for the system.

The simulator is so real (‘Simply Awesome’); it offers a full range of training from setting up the panel for a saturation dive as if you are in an offshore saturation dive control, to running various ‘normal’ functions such as bell checks, setting up reclaim, conducting a TUP, launching the clump weight and bell, locking divers out and in to the bell, various work tasks and a full scale of emergency drills such as loss of communications (diver/bell), loss on pressure, CO2 increase, contaminate bell – Hydrocarbon, DP alerts and much more.

Darren who has worked as a Saturation Diving Supervisor in Year 1999 for 3 years, before setting up KB Associates (KBA) said, “It was great to be able to get back on a dive panel again, multi tasking and feeling the stress of a full set of activities and emergency situations”. When a trainee bell diving supervisor completes his IMCA Trainee AIR/BELL Supervisor course, it is daunting to sit on the panel offshore for the first time and this simulator training will definitely prepare the trainee. Through the simulator training, he will be more confident and aware when starting to work as a trainee supervisor, plus it provides him with the valuable panel hours in preparation to taking IMCA exam.

This is definitely a powerful training tool for gaining panel hours for trainee supervisors (Ref IMCA D 013), or for experienced diving supervisors to run emergency scenarios that cannot be scheduled to such detail and extent while on the offshore projects. The simulator training enables personnel to familarise and sharpen their skill and competence in areas difficult to cover during the day to day operations.

The system is portable and other than delivering at KBAT Training Centre, it could be set up anywhere! The training will only require a suitable hard drive (we bring this in a small suitcase), internet connection and monitors / TV screens. We can bring this experience that mimic a real operation scenario to your company.

In addition to the dive control simulator, KBAT has the Bell Diver ‘Virtual Reality’ system available that has great potential to enhance project and diver safety at the design stage of any project.

Contact Us for more information, email or call +65 6542 4984.

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