IMCA Introduces a NEW EXAM PROTOCOL for Diving Supervisors & Life Support Technicians


With effect from 1st May 2019, IMCA has introduced a new exam protocol for Diving Supervisors and Life Support Technicians (IMCA Information Note D 05/19).  As safety critical positions, it is essential that candidates are able to demonstrate convincingly that they have the necessary aptitude, knowledge and skills to fulfil these roles.

In brief, exam applicants will only be allowed to sit the examination for a maximum of three (3) times.  Upon failing at the 3rd attempt, the candidate will have to wait for a period of two (2) years before being allowed to re-enter the qualification scheme. This will involve taking the full training course plus fulfil all of the practical training requirements before re-applying for the examination.

Source: IMCA D05/19 – Changes in IMCA Exam Resit Protocol. Click here to visit the website or download PDF.

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