Why Lock Out Tag Out (LOTO) is important

We encounter hazards everywhere in our daily lives and most times, we take it for granted. On a commercial diving job site, we cannot turn a blind eye to hazards and put the lives of the dive team in the hands of chance.

In a commercial diving job site or on a vessel, commercial divers are exposed to dangerous work locations. At times, these work locations have not been assessed or had its machinery Lock Out Tag Out (LOTO). For example, propellers that were not de-energised and LOTO prior to the commencement of propeller polishing.  This may seem like an insignificant task. Sadly, the importance of having proper procedures for Lock Out Tag Out may never come to light till an unfortunate incident. Only then would questions such as “was the engine isolated and a permit to work issued? Was the vessel operator consulted? Do we know what we need to do to ensure that the divers are safe?”

Now that you have seen its importance, what are the procedure for Lock Out Tag Out? Firstly, it begins with having general safety awareness of the entire job, not just for yourself but for the entire crew, and taking the proper actions to isolate danger to the team. Then, you begin your Lock Out Tag Out procedure, and finally remember to check, verify and confirm Lock Out Tag Out.

Want to know more about a Lock Out Tag Out course? Contact us at courses@kbatraining.org

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